Club Volleyball can be complicated, and we know you've got questions. Each season is kicked off with a Parent/Player Meeting about a week after tryouts where we go over all the details. We also host a meeting for any families new to club volleyball.  We've listed some of our most frequently asked questions here for your reference, but if you need clarification, or can't find what you need here please reach out to us at Info@TartanJuniorsVB.com

What does a club season entail?

Our season starts in October with Fall Clinics leading up to Tryouts. Fall Clinics are open to anyone interested in learning more about volleyball, or hoping to brush up on their skills prior to the club season. As long as a player is not participating in High School Volleyball they are eligible to join fall clinics. Tryouts are hosted before Thanksgiving and practices typically start the first week of December. 

All our teams are provided at least 2.5 hours of practice per week, with the option to attend positional skills clinics and have 8-10 tournaments per season. Our younger teams (12s) season ends in March and the older teams (13s-18s) will play through the end of April. 

Players will be asked to participate in at least one fundraiser per season, as well as commit to 4 hours of volunteer service during our club hosted tournaments (Throwdowns). We also ask at least one parent per family to commit to four hours of volunteering per season. 

We also host guest speakers throughout the season that we believe will enrich our players volleyball experience and we end our season with an end of season party. 

I know this is a traveling volleyball team. Where do you travel to? Where would the farthest tournament be? 

There are tournaments every weekend throughout Minnesota and surrounding states. We do our best to select tournaments that are no more than one hour from the twin cities, however each team's schedule will vary based on team skill level, age group and tournament availability. 

For the 13s-18s teams, there are generally 1 or 2 travel tournaments during the season. Typical locations include, Duluth, Mankato and Rochester however we are considering options in Wisconsin as well. Teams can also elect to participate in additional tournaments during the season, at  an additional cost. 

When will practices and games take place? 

Games (or matches) are only played on the weekends. The majority of the tournaments will be single day.  A single day tournament will have anywhere from 3-6 matches in a day depending on how team performs throughout the day. Tournaments start at 8am with players needing to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to their first match, and usually wrap up by 4-5pm. 

Practices are during the week; typically on Tuesdays and Thursday but each season's practice schedule is dertermined by gym time availability. Practices are mandatory. 

Can I watch my player practice?

For safety and insurance reasons we do not allow parents to remain in the building during practice. 

Will teams be made at every level?

The number of teams, as well as the age groups cannot be determined until tryouts are complete. Occasionally if we do not have enough players to form two teams we may make a "combo team".  Such as a 15-16s team instead of a 15s team and a 16s team. 

Can my daughter tryout at a higher age level?

We ask each player to tryout at their current age level. If it is determined that a player should be playing up, our coaches will approach the player and their parent to discuss moving up.

I am going to miss a practice or tournament what should I do?

The player or parent should contact the coach as soon as they know they will miss a practice or tournament. This contact should include the reason and date(s) the player will be missing. If the coach is not contacted at least 2 hours prior to practice or 24 hours prior to a tournament it will be an unexcused absence.

What are the policies around missing practices/tournaments?

Each player is asked to commit to the season, and their team, when offered a spot on a team with Tartan Juniors. While we do understand that occassionally a player must miss a practice or tournament date, there are guidelines that must be followed to ensure your absence is excused. 


Each unexcused absence will require the player to sit one set in the next tournament.  For example one missed practice or match during a tournament will equal one match sat at the next tournament. If the player only plays one set per match that will be the set they have to sit. 

Examples of excused absences include: 

Examples of unexcused absences include but are not limited to: